Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
ஹூம் நாங்கல்லாம் இப்படி இல்லையே.?!!!.
ஹாய் ஜெண்டில்மென், இது மாதிரி இருக்கனும்னு எனக்கு மட்டும் ஆசை இல்லையா என்ன? என்ன பன்றது...நம்ம பொழைப்பு தான் இப்படி ஆயிபோச்சே?... ஹூம் இதப் பாத்து மனச தேத்திக்க வேண்டியது தான்....

Saturday, 23 June 2007
Union Cabinet

Brain - Prime Minister
Head - Education Minister
Eyes - Law Minister
Ears - P & T Minister
Nose - Health Minister
Teeth - Industry & Civil Supplies Minister
Tongue - Broadcasting Minister
Heart - Finance Minister
Lungs - Home Minister
Stomach - Food & Agriculture Minister
Hands - Labour Minister
Legs - Transport Minister
Skin - Defence Minister
C U Soon and May God Bless.
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Katradhu Vaan Alavu - 11

Thursday, 24 May 2007
Awesome! B_O_M_B_A_Y
Bombay has no bombs and is a harbour not a bay.
Churchgate has neither a church nor a gate.
There is no darkness in Andheri.
Lalbaag is neither red nor a garden.
No king ever stayed at Kings Circle .
Nor did Queen Victoria stay at Victoria Terminus.
Nor is there any princess at Princess Street .
Lower Parel is at the same level as Parel
There are no marines or sailors at Marine Lines.
The Mahalaxmi temple is at Haji Ali not at Mahalaxmi.
There are no pigs traded at Dukar bazaar.
Teen bati is a junction of 3 roads, not three lamps.
Trams used to terminate at Kings circle not Dadar*
Breach Candy is not a sweetmeat market,
Safed Pool has the dirtiest and blackest water.
You cannot buy coal at Kolsa street.
There are no Iron smiths at Lohar chawl.
There are no pot makers at Kumbhar wada.
Lokhandwala complex is not an Iron and steel market.
Null bazaar does not sell taps.
You will not find ladyfingers at Bheendi Bazaar.
Kalachowki does not have a black Police station.
Hanging Gardens are not suspended.
Mirchi Gully does not sell chillies.
Figs do not grow in Anjir Wadi.
Sitafals do not grow in Sitafal Wadi,
Jackfruits do not grow at Fanaswadi.
But it is true that you may get fleeced at Chor Bazaar!
Where there is place for every Tom,
Where a person cannot sleep without a pill.
Where the road is considered to be a dustbin,
Where everyone thinks himself to be a star,
Where houses collapse as the monsoon comes,
Where there is more water in the pen than ink,
Where the beggars become rich soon,
Where cement is frequently mixed with ash.
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
இப்படியா போறது? (Full Tattooed - Body)
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Katradhu Vaan Alavu - 10

Operator - Vishnu
Destroyer - Shiva
Hi Buddies, I am back. How are you all ?
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Monday, 30 April 2007
Katradhu Vaan Alavu - 09

"God cannot go everywhere, so He made Mother"

Friday, 27 April 2007
Tell me am I In Love?
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Friday, 13 April 2007
Anaivarukkum Enadhu Iniya Tamil Puthaandu Vaazthukkal
Katradhu Vaan Alavu - 08

If God be with us, who would be against us.
Early morning – Health Run and every one could have B’Fast. Immediately after the BF should had to go for the Parade. Immediately after the parade, there used to be a Tea Break. It lasted for about half an hour time, during that time Tea and snacks were provided. Then after all should attend the Classes.
Like an officer with different Branches, the men (the correct Terminology is Airmen) were from different trades. Basically, the Technicians and the Non-Technicians. The Technicians are from both Mechanical and Electrical & Electronics stream. For the Mechanical part – the IAF has Air Frame Fitter, Engine Fitter, Mechanical Transport Fitter and Weapon Fitter and the Electrical & Electronic part – Electrical Fitter, Instrument Fitter, Radar Fitter, Radio Fitter. The Missile Fitters are available in both the Branches of the Engineering.
When it comes to Non-Technical Stream – the IAF has Clk GD (General Duties), Clk PA (Pay Accounting), Clk EA (Equipment Accounting), Equipment Assistant (Store Keeping), Medical Assistant (Nursing), the Edn Inst (Education Instructor) and in the Semi Technical - the SEW (Safety Equipment Worker – Basically the trade behind making of the parachutes) comes.
The main idea of keeping all types of tradesmen is to avoid the entry of the outsiders (I mean the pure civilian work force, for any sort of need), keeping the Nation’s Security as the prime concern. In IAF, atleast at times we could see the Civilians as a daily wager or as a casual labour. But whereas in Army, the usage of Civilians is avoided. All types of work required for a Base (Unit) is done by the uniformed personnel. In Army we could see the Civilians working – who are from MES (Military Engineering Service).
The shoes used for the Morning Health Run is Canvas, for the Parade Anklet Boot (Badaa (Hindi) Boot - Periya Boot) & for the Classes Shoes B/L (Black Leather). After wearing the Badaa Boot in the Parade, B/L in the Classes and using Canvas for the PT in the evening after lunch – every one would feel the difference from the heaviest to heavier and finally lighter.
After the hectic exercises, naturally one would feel like to have rest which was not feasible. As a part of training, other than the night time, the rest time within the day was restricted. So I had been warned many a times, for sleeping in the Class and for the Sloth like behaviour. That was the time I used to get a superb sleep. Immediately within a week of joining, there was a Weekly Test – There were four subjects, namely Mathematics, Theory of Flight, General Service Knowledge and English. My marks were 0, 06, 12 and 18 out of 20 respectively. Mathematics was very simple – But I could not solve even a single sum but still I did not deserve ‘Duck’ – Did I ?
On Tuesdays, my friend and I used to go to a Mandir (Temple) inside the Camp. Definitely the “Aarati” (Irai Geedham) was so much live that even today I am remembering those days. The language also not understandable – Hindi. But still we – Non-Hindi speakers could feel a force that was pulling us towards the temple on every Tuesdays, as we used to get full enthusiasm.
On the First Saturday that followed 08 Jan 88, we were taken in Flights (The same ..... I walk in Flight, run in Flight, talk about Flight idhyaadhi ..... idhyaadhi) to a Barber Shop (with atleast 12 chairs) within the camp, for the hair cut. We could see only the Machines which were in action in the hands of the Barbers and the usage of the Scissors was the rarest one. We were really excited to experience (Bitter ?!?) the Flight. When we came back, there was no water supply. The water timings were 0510 – 0730 hrs, 1300 – 1430 hrs and 1800 – 1930 hrs. When we came back, it was around 1000 hrs and we were tired as well. So, every one slept on the bed – The first time in my life time - touching the belongings without having the bath after the hair cut. It was really ridiculous but still we could not help.
Later we had bath and then after lunch. On every Sunday Evening, a Hindi Movie was screened in the Open Air Theatre as an entertainment. For the first three months of the training period, no one was permitted to go out of the Campus as we would not be aware as how to behave ?!? (ofcourse as a Soldier). So, for whoever he was home sick, it was nothing short of a Jail. But what to do ? - After all, it is a Disciplined Defence Service and no other go. I could get an opportunity to go out of the campus before the completion of first three months ………
C U Soon………… May God Bless